Bold Beautiful Perfect: Angela
“I thought I was unlike anyone in my family of origin, but in their stories, I found me! I actually did belong! I now view my gift-mix as an inheritable substance, a treasure to be regarded as valuable to future generations.”
Today on the blog, Angela shares an essay on her journey of discovering her inner beauty.
I’m Angela Broussard, a word-centric teacher among the five fold function leaders in the Kingdom of God. In this teaching capacity, I serve the community as an instructor at Kingdom Leadership Institute Gulf Coast. I also teach and serve as Director, alongside Wells of SouthGate, a non-profit training and equipping center. I’ve recently penned my first book, The Name Speaks, soon to be published.
I’m married to Gil, a steady kind of guy who balances me perfectly. With five beautiful children and eight grandchildren, we find ourselves surrounded by the bounty of generational blessing and the legacy of spiritual inheritance. Previously, I thought I was unlike anyone in my family of origin. My journey has proven otherwise, and I’m thrilled to discuss that I was called in my generation to be a “repairer of the breach.”
Interestingly, the repair was attached to my name. A person’s name is one of the most precious gifts they’ve been given. Most people like their names, some are called by a nickname, others do not like their name at all. Worse yet, some feel forgotten, as if their name has been lost in the crowd! Can you relate to any of those categories?
In the most recent season of my life, I’ve done extensive research on my name and my family heritage. I discovered that my family tree is filled with a plethora of vibrant history making individuals – something I was not aware of growing up. Faith-filled pioneering men of God came to America to raise up churches and communities of believers through the preaching and teaching of the Gospel of the Kingdom. Unearthing these meaty realities allowed me to understand my gift-mix in a brand new light. In their story, I found me! I actually did belong! I now view my gift-mix as an inheritable substance, a treasure to be regarded as valuable to future generations.
As I stepped into Brandi’s studio for this photo shoot, I was keenly aware that these photos, perhaps of any taken to date, reveal I’ve entered into the most purpose-filled years of my life, where call merges with productivity. The sound of Father’s voice through me will reverberate beyond the classroom and speakers podium; it will be heard upon the pages of books that will be written from my pen. That sound will carry the Kingdom legacy sound, as it did through my forefathers. The generations beyond me will receive a discernible, tangible inheritance of communicated culture. They will be able to build upon the foundation of another person’s work.
Perhaps Brandi’s gift was for such a time as this. As those of us who, having embraced growth and maturity step in front of her lens, we step into the capture of a moment; a season in time. A capture that marks where we’ve been and who we’ve become. A crossroad in which vision beckons us to embrace wisdom for the next leg of the journey. When the silver cord is loosed, and all that remains are memories, photos, and written works, may it be said of us that we invested for the next generations. May it be said we considered those who would come behind; we left an indelible mark, upon which another could build.
You are a treasure!
To book your own fabulous Portrait Session, contact us through the inquiry form below.
Much love,
International Award-Winning Portrait Photographer

Brandi Stage is an international award-winning portrait photographer based in Bay St. Louis, MS. She creates an exceptional magazine-style photo shoot and timeless heirloom portraits for women, men, children and pets in her studio or on location.