Bold Beautiful Perfect: Elisabeth
Bold Beautiful Perfect
Elisabeth, Bay St. Louis
“I plan to be the best I can be at the age I am.” – Elisabeth
Tell us a little about yourself, Elisabeth!
I was born down here in Bay St Louis, but moved out of state with my family when I was seven. I’ve lived in Virginia, then California, moved back to Virginia, then England, and finally settled back in Virginia to start and raise my family. I’m in a second marriage, with three children by birth, and two I acquired by marriage 🙂 My five children are now all in their mid- to upper-twenties and, for whatever reason, God led me right back to my hometown in August of 2018. I’m not sure of His purpose, but I know there must be one. I’m waiting to figure it out!
How did you come to understand your inner beauty?
I think age and a greater understanding that God created me. It’s crazy when I wrap my head around the fact that “little old me” was created specifically and intentionally by God to be who I am. I also think that with age you start to become appreciative of being able to exercise and take care of yourself and so that’s what you do.
This project is all about inspiring women to see their beauty. What parts of your story can you share to help women to understand their own beauty?
I love my mother, but we are different folks. I grew up with a mother who told me at 18 that I better appreciate my body because it was only going to get worse. She tells me today that she doesn’t understand why I worry about my weight, or working out, or using moisturizer, etc, because I’m going to age anyway. I don’t know how I was able to let that go. Maybe hearing those things is what makes me want to take care of myself more to prove to her that you don’t have to sit back and age and feel bad about your looks. And, let me tell you, she was quite the looker in her day!
You have some amount of control when you opt to take care of yourself. Sure, I’ve got more wrinkles today than I did ten years ago. My body shape changes with every new decade. But I plan to be the best I can be at the age I am. I think it’s super empowering when you realize that it’s not so much about what you look like, but that you appreciate what God has given you to work with, and because of that, you want to do well with it.
What was your experience with the photo shoot?
Oh, gosh. I’ve never had a photoshoot done, and it was fabulous. Brandi makes you feel like a super star! I loved hearing “wardrobe change” because I loved all my outfits, and was so anxious to get the next one on! I’m usually the one taking photos of others – no one takes photos of me! 😉 It was super cool to be treated like a star with the makeup (and oh my goodness those false eyelashes!), hair, posing… all of it was just wonderful! Thank you, Brandi!
It felt really good to be pampered for the photos. It felt like I was special, and, I’m still wondering why I would have been chosen, but it goes to show that aging isn’t all that bad! I’ll take this age of 53 and keep going!
Anything else you would like to share that may be helpful?
I’m not keen on the idea of loving yourself. I prefer focusing on loving God and others. But, if you love others enough, your husband, children, etc., you need to love yourself enough to be mindful of the way you care for you, too. My 28 year old son reminded me of this about a year ago, and he was so right. I needed to start focusing on me so I could be better for my husband and children! I want them to be proud of the person I am. That’s why it’s important to love yourself.
Age does not limit beauty! You are beautiful today just as you are. Let’s capture it.
To book your own Portrait Session, contact us through the inquiry form below.
Much love,
Award Winning Portrait Photographer

Brandi Stage is an international award-winning portrait photographer based in Bay St. Louis, MS. She creates an exceptional magazine-style photo shoot and timeless heirloom portraits for women, men, children and pets in her studio or on location.