Bold Beautiful Perfect: Jennifer

“When I learned to stop comparing myself to others and appreciate the exuberance others brought to the world, I also began to realized there was something special about me, too. That’s when I came to realize true beauty is when a woman feels comfortable and confident in her own skin.” – Jennifer


Tell us about yourself, Jennifer!

My name is Jennifer. I am an educator, mother, and wife. Throughout my life, I have really strived to pursue a path of life long learning both personally and professionally. I feel it is so important to experience new things and constantly self-reflect so that I can continue to evolve as a person.

Professionally, I completed a doctoral degree in May 2020. I am proud of my accomplishment because it truly was a test of endurance. I’m ready to set new goals so that I can achieve them.

In my spare time, I love to listen to music, dance, ride motorcycles with my husband, and spend time with my family. I have a daughter, a son, and two step-sons. Through my interactions with my children and my husband, I have learned to appreciate the little things and focus on the bright spots that we often over look.

How did you come to understand your inner beauty?

Growing up, I was very shy and extremely self conscious. Often times, my anxiety kept me from experiencing new things because of fear of failure. I tended to be extremely self critical and constantly compared myself to others. When I learned to stop comparing myself to others and appreciate the exuberance others brought to the world, I also began to realized there was something special about me too. That’s when I came to realize true beauty is when a woman feels comfortable and confident in her own skin.



This project is all about inspiring women to see their beauty. What parts of your story can you share to help women to understand their own beauty?

I think it is critical for women to self reflect and identify her strengths. Too often, we focus on the negative. Yes, we all have things that could be enhanced mentally, physically, professionally, etc; however, it is important to identify the areas in which we shine. Identify the bright spots and take in the joy. Sometimes, we have to create our own joy. At least, that’s what I had to do. That enabled me to appreciate myself and feel more confident.


Tell us about your experience with the photoshoot.

During the photoshoot, I felt vibrant and beautiful. Throughout every aspect of the session, I felt at ease like I had known Brandi and Kasper for years. It was such a unique and rewarding experience.

This experience was just what I needed to help me truly embrace aging and look forward to the next chapter in my life. There is still so much life to live and joy to be found. The photoshoot was a great reminder of that. It allowed me to feel a sense of exuberance; it was such a wonderful feeling!

Anything else you’d like to share?

Don’t be too hard on yourself. We all encounter difficult times; remind yourself that you can handle it. Your light may be dim, but it’s not out.



White woman curly hair portrait and headshot photographer standing confidently arm on hip wearing black top and earrings


You deserve to be comfortable in your own skin!

To book your own fabulous Portrait Session, contact us through the inquiry form below.


Much love,


International Award-Winning Portrait Photographer

White woman curly hair portrait and headshot photographer standing confidently arm on hip wearing black top and earrings

Brandi Stage is an international award-winning portrait photographer based in Bay St. Louis, MS. She creates an exceptional magazine-style photo shoot and timeless heirloom portraits for women, men, children and pets in her studio or on location.