2023 Bold Beautiful Perfect: Sharon

“The Lord chose each one of us for a mission. Sometimes getting to that mission means getting dragged through the mud. When we come out of the mud and allow the Lord to mold us (as the potter molds the clay), you will be an even more beautiful version of you.


Tell us about yourself, Sharon!

I am a survivor of sex trafficking as well as childhood sexual/physical abuse. I am a mother of three, an entrepreneur, a public speaker and educator, and a spiritual life coach. I have led the Night with the King Banquet for Team Challenge Women’s Center for 10 years.


How did you come to understand your inner beauty?

Through my 10 years of therapy, I came to realize that I am a daughter of the King. He sees me more clearly than I see myself, and what He sees is more beautiful than I could ever imagine. Understanding this and following the Lord in obedience has boosted my “mustard seed”-sized faith to a great faith.



What parts of your story can you share to help women to understand their own beauty?

We are not what has happened to us. Our alignment with our heavenly Father Spirit, soul, and body is vital to our walk with Him and our mission here on Earth. Secondly, be mindful to get your soul back so that you’re not wearing your feelings on your shoulder, your pant leg, or your sleeve.


Tell us about your experience with the photoshoot?

My experience was quite lovely. It made me think of the Night with the King banquet for Team Challenge night that we put on every year. We find volunteers to do hair and makeup, others provide gowns, necklaces, satin slippers, etc. The women are treated like royalty. For some, it’s their first time wearing an evening gown. The joy it brings me to see the looks on their faces! They are so happy to be treated so well. That’s the way I felt during my photo shoot experience! It was humbling. I’m always doing this for others; knowing that somebody wanted to do this for me – to make me feel beautiful – was a blessing.


Anything else you would like to share that may be helpful?

I want women to know all over the world that we are beautiful. The Lord chose each and every one of us for a mission. Sometimes getting to that mission means getting dragged through the mud. We have to come out on top of the mud and allow the Lord to mold us as the potter molds the clay. When He is finished, you will be a more beautiful version of you!



White woman curly hair portrait and headshot photographer standing confidently arm on hip wearing black top and earrings


You are more beautiful than you know!

To book your own fabulous Portrait Session, contact us through the inquiry form below.


Much love,


International Award-Winning Portrait Photographer

White woman curly hair portrait and headshot photographer standing confidently arm on hip wearing black top and earrings

Brandi Stage is an international award-winning portrait photographer based in Bay St. Louis, MS. She creates an exceptional magazine-style photo shoot and timeless heirloom portraits for women, men, children and pets in her studio or on location.